It is an integral liquid waterproofing compound for concrete and cement mortars. It contains a blend of water repellents and proprietary chemicals which when incorpotated in concrete bring about contraction of capillaries making concrete more dense and water tight. It has good plasticizing properties. Makes concrete cohesive and prevents segregation. It is recommended for usage in production of water impermeable concrete/cement mortar in accordance with din 1048 and similar relevant standards.
Mixing: Shake or stir MAX AQUASEAL SLW & SLW+ thoroughly before use to ensure uniform dispersion of the active ingredients. Use a clean container and a mechanical mixer or paddle to mix the product with water at the recommended mixing ratio specified by the manufacturer.
Application Method: Apply the mixed MAX AQUASEAL SLW & SLW+ solution onto the prepared surface using a brush, roller, or sprayer, depending on the size and type of surface. Ensure even coverage and complete saturation of the substrate to achieve effective waterproofing.
Multiple Coats (if required): For enhanced waterproofing performance or in areas prone to high water exposure, apply multiple coats of MAX AQUASEAL SLW & SLW+, allowing sufficient drying time between coats as specified by the manufacturer.
Drying Time: Allow MAX AQUASEAL SLW & SLW+ to dry completely between coats and before subjecting the treated surface to water exposure or heavy loads. Drying times may vary depending on ambient temperature, humidity, and application thickness.
Resist water penetration & capillary absorption in to the concrete/cement mortar.
Reduction in water/cement ratio without altering the work ability of the mix.
Improves concrete cohesiveness and prevents segregation and bleeding.
Being alkaline, has no corrosive effect on reinforcement in mass concrete.
Free from chlorides allows normal breathing of concrete structures.